Remember This Advice For Keeping Your Memory Sharp!

You do not have to accept living with the loss of memory. There may very well be steps you can take to fight it. There are many techniques to use that will help you to improve your ability to recall things. Here are a few clever ideas.

You might find mnemonic devices useful in retaining and recalling some memories. Shorthand writing is to writers the way mnemonic devices are to memory. You will associate information with another word, you will be able to relate it and have a map to that memory.

If you really want to perform an exercise that helps you remember things, then simply write them down. The act of writing information down causes blood to flow to those areas of the brain associated with memories, and also rejuvenates those memories. You can enhance your capacity to memorize or recall important information by maintaining a journal, writing letters, making lists and other activities that involve handwriting.

Properly employed, mnemonics can be of tremendous aid in improving your memory. Mnemonic devices are used for memory in a way similar to how shorthand writing is a useful device for taking dictation. An information is associated with a word or an item that functions as a trigger for your memory.

Write sticky notes to help yourself remember to complete tasks. The notes can then be placed with your designated spot for your keys, phone or computer. Using sticky notes will make sure you don’t forget to do something important.

Add fish oil to your diet. If you are very forgetful, you may be forgetting to eat the necessary omega-3 fatty acids. Consider getting your dose through a supplemental pill.

By now, you know that there are different ways to prevent or decrease memory loss. Using these hints, you may prevent future memory loss and even improve your current memory. There is no wrong time to engage in these mental exercises, and it’s never too late. Using all the tips and tricks you can will help your brain function at top capacity.

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